Ya know there are just some days where you have to hit the restart button....sometimes multiple times.
Today has been one of those days! Two sick kids, a car in the shop, a loaner car with a spare tire because the other one went flat and a dizzy head makes for a lousy day. Waiting to hear from the dealer about the car makes me cranky....cranky kids makes me cranky....a lousy soandso makes me really cranky! I keep trying to start this day over and over again and make it a happy day. Well, easier said than done with all of this!
So, when I am just about to loose my cool {;-) or actually just as I am starting to rant like a crazy person} I get a call from the most wonderful neighbor asking what I need for help today. She is a good listener and makes sure to tell me that she is here to help with whatever I need. Her phone call was just the reminder I needed that there are many wonderful people in my life that are there to help out, even if it is just another person on the end of a phone or the Internet to give comfort or just to listen.
I will not say this day has started over and is all better....because I have had to "reboot" this day twice in the couple of hours it has taken me to write this blog. I will say that I recognize a blessing and feel better knowing that I have what I need, I just have to tap into it when I feel like I am going to crack!
This is going to be a Serenity Prayer day.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference.